Tips For Trying Virtual Speed Dating For The First Time

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Speed dating is a unique way to meet several new people in just a short period of time, which makes it a popular activity for those who are single. If you're looking to try speed dating with a modern twist, consider joining a virtual speed dating event. As with other virtual events, you'll take part in this gathering from the comfort of your home — having a series of short video chats with people to see if you notice any chemistry. Here are some tips that can help your first virtual speed dating experience.

Minimize Interruptions/Distractions

When you're trying virtual speed dating from your home, there are a few potential interruptions and distractions that you'll want to avoid in order to put your best foot forward. If you have children, you might arrange for them to spend time at a friend's house; alternatively, you might book a virtual speed dating event after your kids' bedtime. You don't want one of your children walking in and interrupting you, nor do you want to feel distracted by wondering what your kids are doing while you're meeting someone virtually.

Ensure The Area Is Well Lit

You want to be able to clearly see each person you meet virtually, and you can expect that they have the same feeling about meeting you. It's important to ensure that you're in a well-lit area; it's difficult for someone to assess you if you're partially hidden in the shadows. If you're taking part in an event during daytime hours, taking your laptop into a sunny room of your home and sitting so that you're facing the window can work well. For an evening event, turn on all the lights in the room or consider buying a ring light that you can set up behind your computer.

Dress As You Would For A Live Date

When you're taking part in a virtual event from home, it might be tempting to dress down. You'll want to ignore this temptation and make a point of dressing as though you're attending an in-person speed dating event. Doing so not only sends a message that you're taking the activity seriously but also that you care about your appearance. Similarly, you shouldn't feel the need to overdress, as this might be intimidating to some of the people you meet. To give virtual speed dating a try, look online for a company that hosts these events.

Contact a company like Slice Speed Dating to learn more. 
