What You Should Know About Your Cities Water Treatment Process

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As a consumer, you likely consider the types of foods and chemicals you are putting into your body. You concern yourself with what preservatives are in certain foods and what pesticides are on your fruits and vegetables. One thing you may take for granted is your drinking water. Many people take for granted that they can turn on a faucet and have clean water. The key to keep in mind is the water treatment process your city uses and how it affects your health. 

Steps in the Process

The first thing to know about your city's water treatment process is how many steps are involved. This is usually printed on their website or can be found in annual updates and city flyers explaining what the water department does for a city or county. The steps in the process can let you know what kind of sanitization, filtering, and screening, and any chemical addition processes are used. If you have allergies or if you are concerned with what may still be in the water, knowing this process can be beneficial to you and your health conditions. 

Type of Storage

Regardless of the steps in the water treatment process, you should also know the type of storage used. Keep in mind, that when the water is filtered and treated, it is put in some form of storage. Every city is different and may have different state containment measures they must take during a storage stage. You should also know that most of the water is released into the city water supply to be used by the people of the city. It is then collected and sent back to the treatment facility for treatment. 

Chemical Additives

One of the key things to know about chemical additives in the water supply is they are usually added during the treatment phase. By the time the water makes it to your home, the chemicals may be reduced greatly. However, if you feel there is a chemical that may be difficult for you to ingest due to health or other issues, you have two options. You can find out what type of chemicals are used and ensure you have a second-step filtration system in your home that handles the chemical. You can also simply have a home water filtration system installed to help with all of the issues you may have concerns about.  

If you are concerned about your water, you can do an at-home test for any impurities that may not have filtered out during the city filtering process. You can also consider asking your water department what at-home filters they recommend to make sure the water treatment process they use combined with your at-home process will give you the best quality of filtered water. 

For more information about water treatment, contact a local company. 
